Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Little Zauberball that Wouldn't

There once was a Little Zauberball that didn't want to be anything.

First, many moons ago, the Knitter who owned it tried to crochet it into a Mock Aestlight Shawl, called Cranberry Pantomime.

But, alas, the Little Zauberball wouldn't. So, the Knitter frogged it, saving it for another time, a better time, when the Zauberball would want to be knitted.

Years later, the Knitter took out the Zauberball again, and tried to knit it into a scarf:

But, once again, the Little Zauberball wouldn't. So, the Knitter frogged the scarf, and now the Little Zauberball is at rest again, waiting for another time, a better time, when it will want to be knitted.


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